Disciplines covered

Jurisprudence International Law, International Security
Political Science Political Systems, International Relations, International Cooperation, Historical Politics
Area Studies Asian Area Studies, Anglo-American Studies
Linguistics and Literature English Language and Linguistics, British and American Literature, British and American Culture, Applied English Linguistics, German Language and Culture, French Language and Culture, Chinese Language and Culture

Educational policies

In the global studies course, students aim to become stakeholders implicated in a multi-cultural society and build collaborative relationships with others, fostering a viewpoint that is at once local and global and pursuing work that links local regions with the world at large. Students are trained to develop the practical knowledge they need to perform in a global context. To that end, the core educational trajectory consists of the three tenets below.

  1. Based on the relationship between local and global issues, a focus is placed on interdisciplinary training in both the humanities and social sciences towards the study of these fields in a multi-polar and comprehensive fashion.
  2. In order to allow students to apply what they have learned at university into the context of global society, as a rule, all students are to travel overseas to experience what it is like to be a foreigner not in one’s own native country and develop an understanding of linguistic and cultural differences, thereby building collaborative relationships with others.
  3. The foundations of the curriculum revolve around a fusion of the humanities and social sciences; the program asks students to select a specialized field of study and a country and region and to develop the range of specialized skills and knowledge appropriate for a Bachelor’s degree in that field.

Admissions policy(Student intake and abilities required upon admission)

  1. Knowledge/Understanding
  2. The student possesses a high school equivalent level of skills and knowledge in foreign languages, Japanese, geography and history, civics, mathematics, the sciences, and other disciplines.
  3. Thinking/Judgment
  4. Able to observe a subject from various viewpoints and summarize it in one’s own words and thinking.
  5. Interest/Enthusiasm/Attitude
  6. Actively takes an interest in global issues as a stakeholder involved in them.
  7. Skills/Expression
  8. Is able to explain one’s ideas in Japanese to others both orally and in writing.

Curriculum policy(Academic curriculum structure, trajectory, features, etc.)

  • Introductory courses on specialized subjects, global core courses, core specialized courses, advanced specialized courses, practicum courses, interdisciplinary courses
  • Introductory courses on specialized topics allow students to take an interest in the humanities and social sciences and develop an interdisciplinary approach, with courses used as core preparation for global studies.
  • The global core courses allow students to plan their careers while developing universal skills like negotiation, collaboration, and foreign language ability, with practical courses therein.
  • Core specialized courses allow students to obtain the set of core skills needed for study in the humanities and social sciences and consist of fundamental course content.
  • In the advanced specialized courses, students further obtain the knowledge and skills they need for advanced study in the humanities and social sciences, with courses in which to apply this knowledge.
  • In the practicum, students deepen their existing knowledge and skills and synthesize these towards the discovery of and resolution of new issues in their field. Courses are limited to small groups in order to faster better discussion.
  • In interdisciplinary courses, students develop a better interdisciplinary viewpoint across the humanities and social sciences and use it towards the exploration of issues in their field.
  • As a rule, the curriculum is designed such that all students will have an experience overseas before graduating.

Diploma policy(Conferring of diplomas/abilities needed to graduate)

  1. Knowledge/Understanding
  2. The student possesses fundamental knowledge in both the humanities and social sciences.
  3. The student possesses specialized knowledge and techniques used within a specialized field of the humanities or social sciences.
  4. Thinking/Judgment
  5. The student uses a practical body of knowledge and experience towards engaging in issues of globalization with a multi-polar and multi-faceted “global mind,” and uses this to set goals and logically study issues.
  6. Interest/Enthusiasm/Attitude
  7. The student is aware of his or her presence as a stakeholder in international and multi-cultural society and is able to go beyond cultural barriers and boundaries to build collaborative relationships with others.
  8. The student is able to set goals and obtain the necessary experience and knowledge to achieve those goals.
  9. Skills/Expression
  10. The student possesses the linguistic abilities needed to engage international and multi-cultural activities.
  11. The student is able to widely obtain the requisite information for a task and organize and analyze it.
  12. The student is able to clearly explain one’s thought process and results.